Monday, 24 August 2015

what i have learned

chapter one to five
I have learned how  internet works and what it really is,who my internet service provider is and the history of the internet.
Sharing hardware devices,accessing date and getting information over the internet, what path's are and getting other documents from another computer how to request documents over internet
The domain names and domain servers learned about the URLs known as the Uniform Resource Locators,The HTTP which specifies how the communication between the web browser and web sever should take place.what the different between a URL and domain name is we learned about the ADS-Asynchronous Digital Subscriber
we learned what a browser is and how it works what it does and how to construct pages,what browser i should use and browsers versions how to upgrade your browser, how to set a homepage how to open a link in a new tab to search with out visiting the search engine page,how to zoom in and out to clear your web cache..the different web browsers
  • Internet Explore
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Opera  
learned how search engines works and crawling the web how to search, to be short and simple to be aware of word order and to choose words carefully and specific how to find the definition the words The type of Search Engines 1.Google 2.Bingo 3.Yahoo

how to communication appropriately and effectively on the internet,how the calendar is and how to use it,how to secure your information massage threads and how to use labels to organize message   

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Nothing will work unless you do

hallow i go by the name of  Rency Muwoh Marthin .a few weeks of being at this school,i have seen a lot change,improvement,trends and scary little secret that still tend to shock  me even though i should be numb to it by now.though i have never read a book of social &digital media till i come to Rlabs .it was not easy at all but thanks to Rlabs  help me to know what i didn't know and  give me hope,change my life,strength and give me opportunity to know alot .my thanks are going to my two lecture Ms asnath  and Ms emily thank you for the great skills,thank you for sharing your knowledge  and for encourage us to what's best  and to understand the meaning of social &digital media.they said courage maybe the most important of all virtues,because without it one cannot practise any other virtue with consistence. thank you  once again ms asnath &ms emily ....Team Rlabs .... it always seems impossible until it's done.


I learn about how to create up my g mail how to log in and log out.
I learned the importations of using internet, for example i can share resources on internet, i can do some shopping on internet just using online shopping. or i can do my banking just using internet.
i created up my Dropbox, how to log in and log out.

i learned how to search something on internet , and how to stay safe online.
i happened to know the meaning of network, which is 
a network of networks.
Rlabs Namibia  opened my mind to the world of techinology.


I've learnt why Internet is important and the impacts it has on all aspect of lives. The advantages and disadvantages of Internet and how the Internet come to be.
I've  also learned how to create, manage and use different social media accounts such as Skype,You Tube, Delicious, Blog , Gmail and Dropbox . 
I've learnt how to use different Web browsers such as Opera mini, Goggle Chromes, Safari, Internet Explorer and Fire fox, Also the search engines such as Bing , Ask, Goggle ect. 
How to browser information and communicate appropriate and effectively on-line.
Intro to social and digital media have taught to use calendering, more effectively than before.
How to interact on online forums and using voice over the Internet though different social media accounts.
How to create effective search query and how to use operator and keywords to focus a search, also the special features offered by goggle search.  

This is a good opportunity and I'm looking forward to learn more in the few remaining weeks.

motivation media

Education, whatever else it should or should not be, must be an inoculation against the poisons of life and an adequate equipment in knowledge and skill for meeting the chances of life.

think media minded.

Language for me narrates the pictures in my mind. When I work on designing livestock equipment I can test run that equipment in my head like 3-D virtual reality. In fact, when I was in college I used to think that everybody was able to do that.


(AMG V8 HPS(457) 6.3L 0-100 In just 4.4seconds)

 This is the 2013 AMG....with a V8 6.3litter engine 0-100 in 4.4sec for a car that's 2t. Compared to its reveries the M4 Golf 7R and the Audi RS4 the AMG not only looks better but drives better thanks to its rear-wheel drive.

In a drag race the Audi will pull first thanks to its four-wheel drive making it quick of the mark followed by the Golf 7r and the M4 then the AMG. But in a long run the AMG will came throw because of its power and with a top speed of 280km-300km/h. We all know Benz is the best but took everyone when the new C63 AMG we call it the beast and an animal cause of the way it roars its V8 engine. There are a lot of V8 engines but what makes the C63 AMG so special that it steals all the attention? Well if we look aside of the engine size and the power we look at the way it looks at you back. With a face that says I'm here came you handle me .....I mean look at it.....its a beauty. Yes Audi and the M4 have V8 engines but one things is that they don't roar like the AMG.

Not all of the C63 is good i mean once u but it in the sports mood on....not all of us can handle such power and venom at hinds behinds its looks but when the sports mood is active it release the beast of the AMG making it very dangerous to drive around in the city streets.

Other hands the C63 AMG is a beast in a stallions body it hinds behind its look and its a great car to have

my experiences at Rlabs

with this course i have learned to use the computer real social fun.i can type fast i learned and the keyboard.i also know how the internet operates.the gmail has alot of great  things  like secure,video calls and creating an account.

l can look for information about anything by using google.I also learned that different search engines and that is the best google.I also learned to think out of the box,which is looking things and different situations in all directions for answers.i also learned to be safe online.

New skills i have learned from Rlbas

What i have learned from this course  

I have learned many things from which i was never aware or know before.the first thing i have learned is the different parts of computer e,g HDMI,fan, micro phone and other.i have also learned different ways of communication on line where by we create different types of account like creating email,sign up with Skype,drop box and delicious.

I have also learned different types of search engine which deal with data base system designed to index and categorize internet addresses known as Uniform Resource Located(URL) ,example of search engines are Google,yahoo and others.

The other thing i have learned here its the different ways of staying safe at internet where by you don't need to tell all your true information or updating something which may cause stay safe you must make sure that you always long off your account...

Thanks RLBAS

hi 5 to Rlabs

I feel like an IT student, thanks to ya,ll right there :)
when i first came to Rlabs i basically just had a grasp on how to use a computer,I didnt even know some parts on a computer. okay, so now as time went on, i,ve learned soo many things that i thought i knew but actually didnt.

There are so many ways on how to communicate with people all over the world, with the advancing of technology there are soo many social medias now. I,ve managed to communicate with my friends in europe, through skype.

I can even become an ICT teacher after this becouse i know alot now ,
thanks to Rlabs am now an IT student ,,,, :)

Things Learned since being at RLabs

So when I applied for this course, I didn't think I would learn a lot but I did. I sort of looked up what this course was about, and I thought I will know about 90% and the fact that it was free made me think there wasn't much that they could teach me but man was I wrong.

So far I’ve learned about Google calendars, making appointments, invitations and IM Chat which I didn’t even know existed. Sharing files and folders on Dropbox. I also learned that you can show the person you are video calling what you are currently doing on your desktop screen. Creating and adding links to my Delicious account. And today I learned how to blog! 

I thought I knew what the internet was but what i didn’t realize is that i didn't know how to define it. Internet etiquette is also one of the many things i learned. Different ways to search for images on Google. Researching online.

You can say that I learned a lot. Especially the “check-ins” which I wasn’t  really a big fan of, only because it takes me out of my comfort zone which I am not really used but I guess that’s a good thing, in the end it will help me be a more confident person. Asnath and Emilia explain things very clearly (wish they were my teachers when I was in high school) but the annoying “students” are the only problem I have with the RLabs class (you know who you are). 
They think they are better than everyone else! NEWSFLASH!! YOU POOP, YOU PEE, JUST LIKE  EVERYBODY ELSE!!!! Would I recommend this RLabs to anyone? Definitely!! Let's just hope they aren’t in a class with these people. 😄
So if you ask me if I learned a lot at RLabs, I'll be:
 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5 STAR RATING (10/10)

Me at Rlabs Namibia

All the days i've been attending the classes at Rlabs, i've learned to work with a group of different people from different schools and different tribes.

2ndly. I learned how to understand the internet.
         The meaning of internet as "network of networks" and how to creat a Gmail account
         I learned to use web browers,how to approach a link

3rdly. I learned the different parts of a laptop machine.
         How to communicate online,e.g on skype,delicious etc.
         Managing information on the internet.
 I also had to tell about my saddest and happiest moments as a child,teenager,young adult and adult which was a bit awful.Somethings i had to lie because i could not really remember about my child life.

I learned how to find an article on the internet,who published it,who wrote it,when it was written,if the site is still alive and to analyse if the site is still objective.

Lastly I learned how to stay safe online,how to chose a very strong password for your account...and learned different types of domains,and their abbreviations. 

idealist mind master

Chennel 94

Prior or into the near coming future,mostly or as many citizens of developing countries such as Namibia, access to social and digital media will be the near most well form of communicating advantage. With two news channels located and operating in and around Namibia. Pressure on them,in providing and accessing information,from and to people will  be a high demand,to a growing population,one or two/more,broadcasting channels will surly be help the two broadcasting stations.
Salute to Rlabs Namibia.

media images

I love Rlabs

I Penny have learned a lot at Rlabs. mostly things that i didn't have any knowledge of, for instance on how to think outside the box, this simply means being innovative (coming up with new ideas) and creativity of what is not present. through the presentation we did i have learned how to be open minded, confident and face my fear of standing and saying something in front of a crowd.

I have gained experiences such as communicating online through social media e.g. Gmail, skype. When communicating online you should be polite, watch your emotional levels, be concise and clear and be open mind. To write the best email you should keep it short, put the important information near the top, dont shout and create meaningful subjects online.

I also learned about internet which means network of networks, web browsers that connect to the internet which are opera mini, Google chrome, Firefox, internet explorer and safari. I got the chance to access online searching, finding information on Wikipedia and Google.

Apart from interacting and experience i had a lot of fun and I appreciate Rlabs for granting me this opportunity which many didn't get to experience.

All my years of using and surfing the net, I thought it was only made up of one basic platform,as the the course took its motives,I got more clarification on how it normally works and the different serves and web browsers.As weeks went by,my illusion about Internet connection changed to more a artistry. I gained knowledge and skill to access information,from and on to my folders,devices/networks. Manners and rules to be followed,when using the Internet/communicating with people,testing the reliability of websites and the information each site or domains is and how to use,and when to use them.

What I learn at RLabs

I learn about the Internet and how it work, I also learn how to create a g-mail account and how to use it effectively, how to send one email to more than one person and how to attach attachment to the email.  They teach us about goggle calender on how to use it, setting up a meeting on goggle calender and invite your colleagues, it is easy to use because you will know how many people will come and how many will not be able to make it by confirming to the invite you send them. I learn also how to set up, use and share online bookmarks through delicious.

My experience at Rlabs so far

When i came at Rlabs i never knew some social medias like delicious,drop-box and i am so happy and proud to have them they are so fun.And i even manage to come learn how to open Skype and have it its so fun and interesting to.

And the most and interesting topic that i have learned is to stay safe on line i did n know some tips to protect myself but i have manage to learn more than i did n know, and also i have learned how to sent  g mail that i should keep it short and not to shout when i am sending someone a g mail it means not to use capital letters.

I also learned how to copy and paste on my delicious account, and how to create a new folder and also how to checklist for evaluating online information example who wrote it and etc..


I am so happy I came across this study academy, because to start off with it’s such an experience to have went through so many check-ins I wasn’t really comfortable with/doing & just learning to be comfortable with having to practice new different things that are actually fun, now that I think of it.

This study course has been such an eye opening experience from what I thought I actually knew. I’ve learned so many more things that have to do with the course.  I now have a much more clear understanding of Social & Digital Media. I now know the forms of communicating/interacting online, about the different search Engines of some I never even knew existed, searching online, about creating a email account & how there’s just so many things to it than just sending an email, managing information my favorite part of the course and most importantly staying safe online which I didn’t really take serious.
It’s exciting how many things knowing how many things I’ve learned & can do in just six weeks. I look forward to the next upcoming weeks & its topics.
Thank you so much Emily & Asnath …team  RLABS.